DataMesh Digital Twin Visualization/Mixed Reality brand marketing solutions leverages BIM/CIM and CAD data to reproduce the real work scene. The mixed reality scene combines technologies such as large spatial positioning to make the display effect more realistic.
DataMesh MR brand marketing solution uses DataMesh Live!, DataMesh Director and other products, and based on the user's real scene, through 3D modeling to reproduce the real work scene. Different from the AR/VR scene, the mixed reality scene combines technologies such as large spatial positioning to make the display effect more realistic.
DataMesh mixed reality and large spatial positioning technology provide a powerful holographic simulation environment for interactive training, allowing students to observe and interact with experimental objects from multiple perspectives, simulate real collaboration scenarios, and gain a real training experience.
DataMesh Director is an enterprise level mixed reality design and collaboration platform. It provides great features like CAD import, fast storyboard creation, layout design, MR cloud, multi-user collaboration and presentation. It can also be integrated with DataMesh DataMix knowledge graph to provide Mixed Reality training and guidance in real-time.
DataMesh Live! enables professional grade Mixed Reality Capture for your hologram content. Integrated with DataMesh Cloud Services, Live! helps enterprise customers to provide real-time mixed reality broadcasting and capture, multi-user collaboration and multi-camera composition. First introduced in 2017, Live! has long proven records in real-time broadcasting, interactive training, trade show presentation and data visualization scenarios worldwide.
DataMesh product and services can be deployed both on-premise and on cloud. The consulting team will engage with your business team and create detailed requirement analysis and design. Custom LOB apps can be created on top of DataMesh PaaS and leverage all capabilities the platform provides.